If you're ready for a credit card, a college student credit card may be the right choice for you. These cards are available to college students who typically have very low or no incomes. They usually have no fee and may come with low introductory interest rates. Opening a college student credit card can be an important step you can take to help establish your credit history. introductory student credit card is knowing when those introductory rates expire. Many credit card companies offer you outstanding deals to lure you into their hands, and they don't tell you about the high fees that you will acquire after a certain period of time. Your best bet is to always read the fine print for the credit card you get. Look for these hidden introductory tricks...
If you need to get a mortgage loan, student loan, car loan or credit card, then you need to have a good credit score. Lenders will look at you unfavorably if you have a low credit score and a bad credit report. These are the scores lenders review to determine if you are financially responsible. Credit scores are also known as FICO scores, which stands for Fair Isaac Corporation, the company that developed the equation for determining your credit score. One of the most important things that lenders look at when deciding to offer you a loan or a credit card is your credit score. Your credit score shows lenders your financial history with banks and other lenders, and it reveals whether or not you have been responsible with past payments...
Manage your credit wisely and a whole new financial world will be opened for you. Keep track of your expenditures. Don't exceed your credit limit. Pay your bills on time. Don't open up too many cards at one time. Those are just a few tips to keep your credit report squeaky clean. Like a plant, your credit will grow and thrive with care, but will falter with neglect. So make sure you manage it right.